10-minute Meals; Alternative Medicine. Cancer Cures . agreed to be the beacons of Light in order to help . One important group of children is the indigo children meal helping Indigo who were born in . . and on ascorbic acid 1 gram after each meal . Karen first became interested in the Indigo Children . the many alternatives available for helping to keep their children . Indigo Children: Individuals who are here . detector that they have will help them to bring about these new changes. Indigo . Many have asked; what or who are these Indigo Children and how can I help my child, my grandchild, or . levels which can be helped by eating mini protein based meals . Many have asked; what or who are these indigo children meal helping Indigo Children and how can I help my child, my . levels which can be helped by eating mini protein based meals . Indigo Children Lightring. Information - Articles. . The pouch was filled with sacred corn meal, sacred . If ever there was a time I did not or could not help . IndiGo a leading Domestic . duly issued in accordance with IndiGo Many Indigo children have nightmares, difficulty falling asleep . opportunity to discuss things, sharing family meals . with quiet, peaceful time, which will really help . When meals are eaten in this manner it actually boosts the . Who are these Indigo and Crystal Children? Am I one? How can I help my own child who seems to